"This story was created by Google Bard, a large language model from Google AI."
Once upon a time, in a small pond, there lived a turtle, a frog, and a snail. They were good friends and often played together. One day, they decided to play a game of Jenga.
The turtle said, "I'm the strongest, I'll be the bottom layer."
The frog said, "I'm the most agile, I'll be the middle layer."
The snail said, "I'm the lightest, I'll be the top layer."
So, they started building the Jenga tower. The turtle floated in the water, the snail crawled onto the frog's back, and the frog hopped onto the turtle's back.
"One, two, three!"
They pushed up together, and they successfully built a tall Jenga tower.
They cheered and jumped up and down, saying, "We're great!"
They continued to play for a while, and they had a lot of fun.
Finally, they decided to take down the Jenga tower. The turtle crawled up onto the shore first, the frog hopped off, and the snail crawled off last.
They had a lot of fun, and they decided to play again next time.
This story teaches us that with help from each other, we can overcome any challenge.